In 1903, the Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane, this was recognized as “the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight”.
Why was plane invented?
Airplanes are important because they are capable of transporting parcels as well as people to the other side of the world in less than a day. Airplanes deliver quick supplies to remote locations in emergency situations and restock military operations. Airplanes also improve medical care by quickly moving patients from rural areas to large medical centres and transporting organs to distant locations for transplants. Before the advent of safe and convenient travel by airplane, journeys took much longer and were more difficult. That’s why invention of airplanes was considered important.
Now to the main gist….
A plane is simply a means of transportation.
Dear Africans, 24 hours in Ukraine, United States of America, United Kingdom is same as 24hours in Nigeria, Ghana, we only experience time difference, please stop putting pressure on your brothers and sisters in diaspora. Depression is real.
A lot of people commit suicide because every time the family calls from home, they constantly remind them the number of years they have spent away from home. They say things like “you have been away for over 10years, why are you not successful’’?
Give people the chance to know themselves and do things at their own pace, the question is ‘why are you not also successful in 10years’?
Did you sign a contract with failure?
Mental slavery is worse than physical slavery. Other people that can’t handle pressure from home result to doing crimes so as to make quick illegal money. The risk involved in drug trafficking is extremely high, yet people will not stop trying to move the products, many due to the pressure from home.
Days when people leave their countries without knowledge of where they are going are in the past. You must have a comprehensive knowledge of the country you are planning to move too, immigration pressure is enough to make you contemplate suicide.
The immigration policies are getting tougher by the day everywhere in the world, no country wants to give their own jobs to foreigners anymore.
Please check on the well-being of your people in diaspora, show them love, they pay rent monthly, paying tax is inevitable and bills are huge in an organized environment.
Most Africans are guilty as charged until they are in those shoes themselves… Structured orientation, Mental liberation then possibly, hope for change.
Kudos to the writer.
I honestly agree with all the things mentioned above ,I can’t even imagine what immigrants feel.This is also encouraging for me as well ,I always put so much pressure on myself and it makes anxious and depressed
Please take it easy Anna…
Hi Anna, thank you for reading and we are glad this piece was inspiring to you. You are not alone!
Truly a move to a new environment is challenging and only the educated mind can understand that. Thanks for your thought Obafemi
Thanks Olufemi…
Thanks for this. soonest we Africans will see aeroplane as means of transportation, not luxury… We all have the freedom to explore and network
Explore anytime want Mr Tommy…
This part got me LOL, I can imagine the Author verbalising this; ‘why are you not also successful in 10years’? Did you sign a contract with failure?
Depression is happening all over the world, no country is exempted, it is just that the rate differs. I was shocked to see a documentary of homeless people in the US, despite all the fairy tales of enjoyment over there.
I hope we get delivered from mental slavery someday.
Mr Crownfit, I laugh every time I read that part as well but it is a fact.. Thanks for your usual support sir.
Homelessness happens everywhere in the world…
I hope so too…
This piece has really changed my mind.
Before today I felt I haven’t been doing enough to prove to people Dat I am abroad but trust me, after reading this article I feel very fulfilled and I say alhamdulillah for what he has done for me so far.
Thank you so much Mr Olufemi for this great enlightenment. You are a jolly good fellow
Always be thankful Mr Kamarudeen… Thanks for your response…
Hello Mr Kamarudeen, thank you very much for reading. We are glad this post was inspiring to you! You are not alone..
Nice Write up. Mr Olufemi, until we all learn that those outside the country also work hard and making it their is not just automatic( Money don’t fall from the tree outside the country), it involves a lot of hard work, dedication, commitment, then we wont be asking questions.
Very correct Abudu Lekan.. Mr Obafemi*
The early the better for people at home to realise, its not easy abroad, different languages, customs and style of life

And his name is *Obafemi* not Olufemi

A universal fact. We really need to look at ourselves and make a change. This is a very detailed and enlightening write-up. Well done, Obafemi.
Thanks Mr Dare…
I must commend you mr obafemi for this great piece of enlightment.
Kudoe to you
Thanks sir..
Painstakingly drafted write up mate, I’m happy to associate myself with someone like you. Now let’s get into the nitty gritty; It’s not easy to make ends meet in any part of the world, there are also destitutes in ‘diaspora’ things are not as rosy as portrayed. Nevertheless, there are more opportunities to make it abroad as the current economic indices are relatively favourable compared to the so called third world countries. The US recorded its all time low unemployment rate of 3.5% in the last quarter which is quiet impressive but, that is not to say that there are not people in between jobs (jobless). In your last article about xenophobia, I suggested every component part should develop itself so as to reduce this long time mind boggling craze to travel abroad for ‘greener pastures’. An awful lot of our people do not self assess themselves to identify their capabilities and competence; I’ll use Nigeria as an example, there are lots of opportunities to tap into if you are able to identify the gaps in the market but a vast majority would rather make that move to travel abroad. Bottomline, I guess we need a robust national re-orientation, our people need to unlearn and relearn.
Facts only… Mr Akintee, we need you to give us a write up soon…
I always learn from your response, thanks always sir…
Hello Mr Akintee, this is quite insightful! Thank you very much for your input.
If you are willing to join the Talking-B writers club, please send us an email at
True talk my brother,hmmmm.i can imagine wat dey are going tru wen families start wit d pressure of sending money down
Very enlightening, I totally agree…thanks for the article
Hi Calvin, thank you very much for reading.